Minor in Architectural Studies (ARST) Admissions
Applications are accepted from October 1 to February 1
Minor in Architectural Studies
Applications for the Minor in Architectural Studies program are accepted between October 1 and February 1. The selection committee notifies applicants of their decision in April via the UCalgary Student Centre. Please note admission of qualified applicants is not guaranteed. The application process is competitive and dependent on the number of graduate students enrolled. Refer to the University of Calgary Calendar for further information.
Admission requirements
Completion of two years of full-time undergraduate studies at the time of program start. You can apply during your second or third year of studies.
A minimum of 3.2 GPA on a 4.0 point scale, calculated on the 10 most recent courses or 30 units. For transfer student applicants, the accumulative GPA from previous post-secondary studies will be used.
Application materials
Submit one PDF file containing both supporting documents.
Provide a one-page statement expressing why you would like to be considered for the ARST minor program.
Provide a portfolio containing six works representing your design ability and range. The admissions committee is looking for evidence of creative ability and/or potential. Graphic organization of the portfolio, including typography and layout, are also considered.
Submit application
1. Start your application:
- For current UCalgary students: Submit a Change of Program request in your Student Centre by February 1 to be considered an ARST Minor applicant.
- For transfer student applicants: Complete an online application form for the undergraduate program of your choice and email apchange@ucalgary.ca (with your UCID) to indicate that you are also applying for the Minor in Architectural Studies.
2. Upload one PDF file containing the two application materials to your Student Centre by February 4.
Please email the SAPL Admissions + Recruitment Team if you have any questions or need help with the application/Student Centre.
Note: Admission for qualified applicants is not guaranteed. The application process is competitive, and dependent on the number of graduate students enrolled. Refer to the current University of Calgary Calendar and the Faculty of Graduate Studies Calendar for further information on admissions.
Sample Portfolios
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