Minor in Architectural Studies (ARST)
Bookmark this page for everything you need to know about your program, courses and resources.
Enrolling in Courses
We'll be posting the "term timetable" shortly. This PDF will tell you when and where classes take place.
All courses can be found on the course site. Courses are listed by academic term, and provide information on who's teaching the course, as well as lecture times and locations. Once available, course outlines can be accessed through the site.
Courses and associated information will be added to these links once available.
Tuition and Fees
Any student enrolled in a studio course (ARST 484 and ARST 444) is required to pay a $150 supplementary fee to cover workshop expenses and maintenance. You'll see this show up in MyFinancials section of MyUCalgary.
Refer to your home faculty and Enrolment Services for more information on fees.
Program Structure
The Minor in Architectural Studies (ARST) is best completed in one year. Students can complete their ARST courses over two years if needed to accommodate the requirements of a major or other scheduling conflicts. Upon completion of ARST requirements, students can then apply for admission into the first year of the two-year MArch program.
Resources and support
We're here to support you. Learn more about the things that will enhance your education:
Funding Resources >>
Facilities and Workshop Bookings >>
Policies and Forms >>
Get Involved >>
Continuous development
Events and exhibitions
Supplement your education with events you won't want to miss, such as the Design Matters Lecture Series and gallery exhibitions.
Lunch and Learns
A regular schedule of lunch and learns takes place throughout the academic year. Schedule will be posted soon! If you want to pitch a learning session, email design.matters@ucalgary.ca.
Peer-to-peer tutorials
Fellow students host tutorials on anything, such as software tips and tricks.
Build your network
Here are some places to start:
Alberta Association of Architects
Alberta Professional Planners Institute
Alberta Association of Landscape Architects
Design Talks Institute
Graphic Designers of Canada, Alberta South
Urban Land Institute, Alberta Chapter
Canada and US
Royal Architectural Institute of Canada
Canadian Institute of Planners
Canadian Society of Landscape Architects
American Institute of Architecture Students
American Institute of Architects
American Planning Association
American Society of Landscape Architects