Stantec Gallery
Open on weekdays from 8:30am to 4:30pm.
The Stantec Gallery is a space for learning and exploration. Emerging design ideas across scales, materials and cultures contribute to a dialogue housed by the gallery. The 1,200 s.f. gallery located in the Professional Faculties building is open to everyone for inspiration — students, faculty and staff on campus, designers and planners, alumni, and general public. Together we are developing, testing, debating, and implementing the ideas of tomorrow.
This gallery is made possible due to the generous support of Stantec.
City Building Gallery

Open seven days a week, 12pm to 6pm.
The City Building Gallery features exhibitions from SAPL researchers, community partners and alumni — and delves into broad explorations and discussions about city building. Pop-up events and workshops complement the exhibitions. With 6–8 exhibitions a year, you'll find lots to discover and experience. If you're interested in city building, you'll want to visit this space often!
We're always open to ideas for exhibition programming. If you have an idea for an upcoming show, connect with our gallery curators.

Open 24/7
The window display along both sides of the City Hall LRT platform is a collaboration between City Building Design Lab and City Hall to continue showcasing student work during the pandemic. As an inside/outside gallery, installations are projected onto the C-Train platform.

Upcoming Exhibitions
Coming soon...
Past Exhibitions

Urban Fringe... the disappearing cultural landscapes of the Calgary region
Based on a selection of paintings and photography that SAPL Landscape Architecture and Planning Professor Mary-Ellen Tyler has completed over the last 25 years; this show presents glimpses of cultural landscapes in the Calgary area that no longer exist. It is a ‘metaphor’ for the ephemeral and ever changing nature of ‘place’ and human experience. It is also, in recognition of her retirement after 25 years at the University of Calgary. The accompanying show opening presentation explores the meaning of cultural landscape and its temporal and ephemeral nature in the context of ‘place making’ in the design professions.
Le Corbusier: An Archipelago of Ideas
Location: City Building Design Lab
The Calgary stop for the LC150+ international travelling exhibition

Neil Zeller
YES 2023
Location: City Building Design Lab
April 28-May 5, 2023
The School's YES (Year End Show) 2023, was a public, inviting and welcoming celebration of student accomplishments in architecture, planning and landscape.
The exhibition comprised plans, 3D models and renderings that pushed the boundaries of imagination and design, showcasing everything from buildings that address social or economic inequity, and ideas of what an enticing and resilient future downtown Calgary needs to be, to what sustainable planning and landscapes can look like in the face of the current climate emergency.

Education for Reconciliation
Location: Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning
March 16-April 6
Education for Reconciliation showcases the work created through SAPL’s Education for Reconciliation project. The exhibition consists of drawings, collages, models, videos, written pieces, as well as an interactive piece that encourages the public to reflect on the path towards reconciliation.
Additionally, the exhibition is a showcase of how SAPL is moving towards reconciliation and shows concrete ways of what reconciliation can look like, not only in design disciplines, but also in education, society and community collaboration.

Drawing and Designing City Landscapes
Location: City Building Design Lab
March 13-17
Drawing and Designing City Landscapes displays the fascinating landscape drawings of American cities from Valerio Morabito, a Fellow at the American Academy in Rome in Landscape Architecture.

Collaborative Ecologies
Location: City Building Design Lab
March 17-April 16
Collaborative Ecologies is a marc boutin architectural collaborative (MBAC) exhibition that features two primary forms of dissemination, including a graphic repository of the cross-pollination of design research trajectories, collaborative networks, people, and projects, and a series of physical models that are emblematic of the design acumen forged through this process.
Just SAPL _ EDIA by Design
Location: Stantec Gallery, Professional Faculties building
Feb 6 - March 3, 2023
The School of Architecture, Planning, and Landscape’s EDIA by Design showcases 2022 Equity Diversity Inclusion Accessibility engagement/s from course content, workshops, outreach events and student research.
From Transitional Housing for Young Adults, Cultural Outreach and Neurodiversity to Fort Mckay First Nation, Detroit, and Calgary, EDIA directs engagement for and by design through different themes and locations.
Some of the works featured in this showcase are Transformative Racial& Spatial Justice: Celebrating Black People’s Knowledges & Contributions (Summer Youth Leadership Program) and Seeing in Color: A framework to Address Anti-Black Racism in Housing & Homelessness (PhD) in recognition of February, Black History Month.

Mid-Year Reviews Showcase: Fall 2022
The Mid-Year Reviews Gallery Showcase featured works from The School of Architecture, Planning + Landscape's, Architecture Masters programs. Each of the studio sections were asked to feature what they felt were the three strongest pieces of work, spotlighting the incredible work that these students have presented.
These works are portrayed in various formats, including physical models, prints, and digital work, and are the culmination of hours of research, team work, planning, design, and construction.
Location: Stantec Gallery and City Building Design Lab
January 9 - Feb 1, 2023

Under The Heel
With a mixture of scrappy cleverness, plucky self-deprecation, and comedic composition, Under The Heel by local architecture firms WOA (Works of Architecture), BOLD Architecture Workshop, and AITCH (Dan Hapton) foregrounds the potential for the next generation to shift discourse as they envision a different future for Calgary's architectural design landscape.
Location: City Building Design Lab
November 7 – December 13, 2023

For 43 years, women and men, children and the elderly have been fighting for women's rights, equity, and freedom. The exhibition, which ran from Nov. 28 to Dec. 23, featured the work of Iranian SAPL students curating a timeline of brave Iranians who have demanded human rights and equity throughout the country's history. The timeline ended with current events and highlights how people are currently fighting for their dreams and rights on the streets and in the media landscape.
Location: Stantec Gallery
November 28 – December 23, 2022

sapl_study abroad programs 2022
From exploring the immense urban and architectural richness in Barcelona, to analyzing innovative infrastructures in Zurich, sapl_study abroad programs 2022 showcased and celebrated the unforgettable learnings experienced by students immersed in these built environments, under the guidance of SAPL assistant professors Francisco Alaniz Uribe and Rafael Gomez-Moriana.
Through drawings, renderings, and photographs and videos of iconic and novel buildings and landscapes, the exhibition delves into the urban studies that contribute greatly to learning the complexities of sustainable and resilient design.
Location: Stantec Gallery
November 6 – December 13, 2022

Representing The City: Landscape Architecture
Curated by world-renowned photographer Luca Nostri and SAPL’s associate dean and associate professor, Dr. Enrica Dall’Ara, the exhibition showcased the work of students in the Master of Landscape Architecture throughout Fall 2022 Block Week, which engaged them in an exploration of the urban landscape around the City Building Design Lab in Calgary's downtown. This exploration constituted photography sessions, iterative discussions, and review of their project.
The exhibition embraced an artistic approach to landscape observation, analysis, and representation, exploring the use of photography's visual language to understand how the world is translated into a photograph and how a photograph orders the segment of the world that it portrays in space and time.
Location: Stantec Gallery
October 17 – 28, 2022

City of a Thousand Planets by the Civic Commons Catalyst
Using digital renderings, 3D models and interactive offerings, City of a Thousand Planets shared the innovative design research work from Phase I and Phase II of the Civic Commons Catalyst Initiative. Focused on reimagining and reactivating downtown Calgary, the showcase represented a future in which the core is sustainable, equitable, inclusive, vibrant, and prosperous.
Location: Stantec Gallery
September 8 – 30, 2023

The Devil's Crop
Senior students in the Master of Architecture program will host an open house for their exhibition, The Devil’s Crop: Exploring Social Justice, Human Rights, Design + Dignity. The event highlighted the creative work of students seeking to design responsibly, innovatively, and sustainably.
Location: Stantec Gallery
August 19 – Sept 29, 2023
LID and Zaha Hadid Architects – Vertical Urbanism
Location: HKDI Gallery, Hong Kong Design Institute
January 19 – April 3, 2022
SAPL’s Laboratory for Integrative Design (LID) contributed four pieces to the Vertical Urbanism in 3D Exhibition:
- Digital Activated Bending Plate Replica, Scale 1:2, 2021
- Curved Laminated Spatial Structure Node Element
- Scaled Model of Spatial Curved Laminated Timber Structure for Digital Futures 2021
- Digital Timber Bend Plate Study
Dr. Alicia Nahmad Vazquez
Fabrication & Assembly Team
Guy Gardner, Anagha Patil, Matt Walker, Jo-Lynn Yen, Youness Yousefi,

Block Week Exhibition
Location: Stantec Gallery
March 24 to April 15
What's the connection between a defunct airplane hangar and printing paste? They're ways for SAPL students to explore design and materiality. This exhibition includes student work led by nine experts on diverse topics from deep green retrofits, printing paste, Indigenous housing, and digital wood things, to municipal planning law and principles of historic conservation.

Leap into the Void
Fall 2021 Block Week Exhibition
Location: Stantec Gallery
November 17 – December 13, 2021
There exists a desire to escape from the rigid confines of the architectural canon that is prevalent in society today. Leap into the void and explore an immaterial, ephemeral, and flexible version of architecture, design, and planning. Students embarked on a week-long journey in re-examining and challenging assumptions and notions of tradition and convention. This exhibition showcases innovative explorations in inquiries related to affordability, resiliency, culture and space, leadership, and hybridization.

The Equitable City
Location: Stantec Gallery
January 31 – February 11, 2022
The Equitable City explores the relationship between social equity and spatial equity at the scale of architecture and urban design. The six featured design projects engage topics such as food security, homelessness, multiculturalism, and Indigenous futures in a manner to recuperate the capacity for design to catalyze change.
A collaboration between architects in the Calgary-based firm MBAC and graduate students of the University of Calgary’s School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape.

FlowState: translated prototypes
Location: SAPL X CITY HALL gallery
December 22, 2021 to February 2022
Over the fall semester, students in the Integrative Casting course (ARCH680) explored a range of design and manufacturing techniques that leverage translations between the digital and physical worlds. They worked collaboratively to produce a series of prototypes that incorporate natural biomaterials including mycelium and hemp, recycled bioplastics, and organic waste, to create intricate designs for objects and spaces. These designs encourage speculation about how materiality, tectonics and ornament can be integrated to respond to performance characteristics including structure, acoustics, occupant comfort and circular design principles.
Sam Baril, Gregory Campbell, Davin Cheng, Jennifer Choi, Caleb Derksen, Berfin Evrim, Jordan Livermore, Natasha Louie, Rica Migrino, Rayhan Muniff, Alex Neumann, Vivian Ton. Ed Wang. Jessica Wang, Percy Yeung
Guy Gardner

The Calgary Archive: Gillmor Theory Block Week Exhibition
Location: Calgary Central Library
December 1 – 30, 2021
Cities are cultural landscapes — physically disjointed, spatially fragmented, and uneven terrains. To understand how cultural landscapes work, students worked with seven women who recently immigrated to Calgary. The groups mapped foodways systems, or places, memories, activities, and destinations associated with the production, distribution, and consumption of food. They explored how food helps newcomers retain/adapt their culture, and how food memories and practices transcend national boundaries and time. Discover how the smells, sounds, tastes, and sights of food conjure up memories and experiences of place through story maps, recipes and an interactive website.
The Calgary Archive is a collaborative creation of community members and architecture students at the University of Calgary. This project was completed as part of the Gillmor Theory Block Week Course at the University of Calgary in March 2021. Students were tasked with interviewing community volunteers who emigrated to Calgary and mapping their stories in unconventional ways.

CBDX B(ORD)ERL(AND)S – International Design Proposals
Location: Stantec Gallery
September 8 – 30, 2021
Borders are spaces of transition. Whether political and imposed through human agency, or natural and made manifest through geographical features, borders are associated with civilization’s greatest challenges. How we choose to choreograph and intersect these transitional spaces will reveal much about our priorities. The theme for the second CBDX international design competition, BORDERLANDS, invited participants to consider: How can designers intervene in borders? View the exhibition of top 25 proposals.

Vivian Ton (MArch'22)
Making Waves
Location: City Building Gallery
August 17 – September 22, 2021
This exhibition represents student design and fabrication work related to the Summer Intersession course led by Phil Vandermey (SPECTACLE BUREAU). Students created multiple urban design elements to be deployed in SPECTACLE BUREAU’s proposed design for the plaza in Chinatown around Jae Sterling’s Mural for Calgary Urban Projects Society (CUPS) (1st Street and 2nd Avenue SW).

Codex for Civilization in a City
Location: City Hall LRT Gallery
July 12 to September 30
This project aims to ask a radical question: Can global material flows be mined for opportunities for revitalization of the urban at a local scale? Or, worded differently, What planetary-scale movements and trends can be operationalized to choreograph and reinject new industry- and therefore vibrancy— into struggling city. Codex for Civilization in a City is a videographic essay comprised of a series of maps and geospatial-based data representations that outline, project or speculate on a new possible opportunity of industry -or “potentiality” -for the City of Calgary.
Course: Urban Systems
Program: Master in Architecture
Instructor: Alberto de Salvatierra

Mediated Drawings
An AI that imagines and Freddie the Robot Artist
Location: City Building Gallery
July 12 – 16 from 5 to 8pm
Did you know you could ask a robot to draw the central library, Stephen Ave, or other places and art in Calgary? Freddie the Robot is performing live and you can make a request!
Select an art, urban or surprise Calgary corner from, allow an AI to reimagine it, and watch Freddie draw live in the windows of the City Building Design Lab and post a selfie #MediatedDrawings #YYC🤖 #SAPL. Freddie’s performances can also be viewed online at and on Instagram @ucalgarysapl
Dr Alicia Nahmad Vazquez
With Carter McHugh, Sam Baril, Guy Gardner, Anagha Patil, Darryl Pollock, Scout Windsor (UofC SAPL) and Li Chen (Generative Technologies)
The Laboratory for Integrative Design from the University of Calgary's School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape
Mediated Drawings is a project and artistic installation sponsored by SSHRC.
Guy Gardner
Softbuilt: Lightweight Paper & Fiber Composite Structures
Location: CBDLab X CITY HALL (east window)
March – April 2021
Softbuilt: Lightweight Paper & Fiber Composite Structures, is an exhibition of lightweight, foldable, portable, origami models and fiberglass structures that includes process photos, potential architectural applications and other drawings. The exhibition represents a week of student design work with origami using paper and fiber composite materials. The block week was led by Dr. Felecia Davis, assistant professor at the Stuckeman Center for Design and Computation within Penn State, director of SOFTLAB, and SAPL's 2021 Taylor Lecturer, with Guy Gardner, SAPL's Robotics and Fabrication Specialist.
Keywords: origami, light weight structures, fiber composites
Location: Virtual gallery and CBDLab X CITY HALL
February – April 2021
The competition call asked, “How might matters of equity and activism, ecology and environment, and health and wellness converge, and unfold, within our future cities? Top entries were exhibited virtually and at the CBDLab X CITY HALL Gallery. Entries will also be published in the inaugural annual volume later this year.
Design in Motion: Three Installations
Location: Virtual Gallery and in-person broadcasted from the windows at the CBDLab and City Hall
October – December 2020
Design in Motion: Three Installations surveys work by 20 students who participated in the Robotic Fabrication course led by Guy Gardner, and Regional Landscape studios led by Kris Fox. The advanced fabrication course explores thematic inquiry and design related to environmental design topics.
Videos from the Regional Studio tell the tales of prairie landscapes in Southern Alberta, and how the intersection of land, memory, meaning, spirit of place and spirituality can inform design decisions at a landscape scale.
New videos were released on SAPL's Instagram account every Tuesday at 20:20 for the duration of the exhibition.
When life hands you coronavirus, take your year-end show online
Obstacle becomes opportunity as School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape students go digital to share their work with the world
When life handed the world the novel coronavirus and its accompanying shelter-in-place restrictions, most of us had little choice but to relinquish dreams or plans we had made. For some that meant scrapping travel plans, deferring new jobs or navigating temporary layoffs. And for the School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape (SAPL) Class of 2020, it meant a vastly different ending to their final months of study.

POSTPONED: Block Week on Campus: Arch Agency
Exhibition runs from March 17 until May 20
Led by Lisa Landrum and Kris Kelly-Frere, this exhibition showcases student work from the block week titled “Arch Agency: The Future of Architecture and Human Thriving”.
This block week course speculates on the future of architecture and architectural agency through experimental play, social innovation, ethnographic adventure, videography, mise-en-scène, performance and storytelling. It challenges participants to explore their own sense of purpose and place in shaping the future of human thriving in a volatile and uncertain world. Students will have acted as creative protagonists for a public Canadian Architecture Forums on Education (CAFÉ) forum on March 12, while collaboratively producing multimedia manifestos to be displayed in the film installation.
The exhibition will share student manifestos, and outcomes of experiments in public perception of architectural potential through the creation of an interactive video installation.
Exhibition runs from March 17 to May 20.
This exhibition is made possible by Stantec.

BLOCKWEEK at the Lab
Exhibition runs from March 13 until April 17.
Join SAPL after a whirlwind week of exchange and making. Students, professionals, faculty, and visiting instructors present visuals, prototypes, structures exploring the following themes:
- Industrial Landscapes: Mass Timber
- Justice, Representation and Equity in Architecture
- Crossing Cultural Boundaries: Indigenous Dwelling/Shelters
- Portable & Responsive Textile Shelter: Translation & World-Making
- Sustainability and Historic Preservation
Objects in Architecture
January 28–March 6
Explore the design and fabrication of a prototype, set in an architectural context. Displaying work from the Teknion-McCrum's Integrative Design (EVDS 683) course led by instructor Khalid Omokanye, the exhibition takes aspects of an architectural project and develops a component or piece for it, either through complement or contrast. The underlying concepts are derived from the student’s architecture studio project, and students are challenged to further develop an idea from the theoretical realm into a physical object.
Hernan Diaz Alonso

February 5–March 5
City Building Gallery
Considered one of today's most influential and innovative architects, in addition to his role as director of SCI-Arc, Diaz Alonso is the founding principal of HDA-X (formerly Xefirotarch), a multidisciplinary design practice based in Los Angeles. Praised for its work at the intersection of design, animation, interactive environments, and radical architectural explorations, HDA-X combines these disciplines to create plans for sculptures, architectural ventures, and various objects.
On The Boards
November 7–January 17
Stantec Gallery
This is an exhibition about ideas on the board. Often what one sees and experiences is the finished design, but the iterative design process makes up about 90% of what architecture, planning and landscape architecture students spend their time engaged in. This is a chance to discover the edgy, raw ideas students are generating in studio and in the workshop, before the final cut.
November 7–January 2020
City Building Gallery
Mass Timber construction is taking off across North America. This exhibition examines the future of this material through leading examples from architecture and engineering firms across Canada including Acton Ostry, Moriyama + Teshima, MJMA, Patkau Architects and Entuitive Structural Engineers, along with The Mass Timber Institute.
The opening event is part of the Russell Acton Design Matters lecture pre-reception.
Housing & Cities

October 30–November 24
City Building Gallery
This multi-media exhibition featured 25 award-winning social housing projects in Europe (shown in London and New York), complemented by UCalgary design research on sustainable housing. The exhibition features four short films, newly commissioned interviews with key practices in London, Amsterdam, Vienna and Paris that offer an urban context for housing with commentary on architecture trends, culture and traditions.
The exhibition, Housing Design Excellence: European Narratives public panel, and Future of Affordable Housing symposium celebrated National Housing Day on November 22, 2019, and is part of the Future of Housing Research Initiative

October 3–28
Stantec Gallery
Fourteen graduate students led by assistant professor Francisco Alaniz Uribe travelled to Switzerland and spent time in the city and canton of Zurich. They were hosted by colleagues from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zürich) at their Hönggerberg campus. Supported by site visits, guest lectures and exposure to local resources, students were assigned to analyze the built environment, document and understand the use of the public realm, and suggest design interventions.
The exhibition chronicles their critical analysis process leading to the proposed designs, and includes hand drawings and sketches of public spaces and their use, as well as short films describing the mapping process.
Prefab Paviilions
October 3–28
Stantec Gallery
A 16-foot wood timber “grid-shell” structure was designed and fabricated by students in the SAPL course Advanced Topics in Architecture (EVDA 683) during the fall 2018 term. The course was led by assistant professor Mauricio Soto-Rubio and was tailored to second-year graduate students in architecture. After the pavilion was designed, it was assembled by the SAPL third-floor student lounge. This trial installation allowed students to become familiar with the process of installing the pavilion off-campus. In spring 2019, a community organization called Makespace contacted the faculty seeking to sponsor a pop-up pavilion for the Inventures Conference, billed as the “unconference” for creative minds. The structure would become a temporary living room for their rooftop factory party.
Circularity in Design

September 26–October 14
City Building Gallery
How can architects use new technologies to address our cities’ biggest challenges?
Kristen Forward (MArch’18, MEDes’19), Seyi Arole (MArch’18, MEDes’19), and Hayden Pattullo (MArch’18, MEDes’19) present their recent thesis work that introduces new design methods and concepts for mitigating waste in the building industry. Through 16 months of industry collaboration and academic research, this year’s graduates from the SAPL’s Mitacs-supported MEDes thesis program exhibited research on the potential integration between recent sustainability concepts in architecture and emerging computer-based tools and techniques, such as robotics and parametric design.
Winter Term 2019

Azadeh Rasouli Yazdi
September 5–Sep 25
Stantec Gallery
Design is a collaborative venture, and studio is at the heart of creation. This exhibition showcases top student works from the 18 winter term studio courses of our professional graduate programs: architecture, planning and landscape architecture.
From explorations about the responsibility of design in society to the rethinking of regions, the work thoughtfully engages critical thinking.
September 6–22
City Building Gallery
To celebrate the achievements of more than 2,900 alumni, SAPL announced its first annual Alumni Exhibition. The exhibition showcased a sampling of work from graduates across the years.
The exhibition also celebrated Prof. R. Douglas Gillmor’s legacy to the architecture profession and our city. Founding director of our architecture program, Prof. Gillmor was a compassionate and thoughtful studio teacher who shaped generations of Calgary practitioners. The Gillmor Block Course was named in recognition of his substantial contribution.

Joseph Crawford,
July 29–August 22
City Building Gallery
The series Above/Below was inspired while free-diving on the west coast of Haida Gwaii. Above/Below was originally published as a collaborative photo-essay in Northword Magazine by photographer Joseph Crawford and artist Allison Smith, and has since evolved into a group exhibit. This is a multi-media show that combines Joseph Crawford’s underwater photography, Allison Smith’s visual art and written essay, and a short co-created film, Hands In the Water.
June 27 to July 16
City Building Gallery
Combined/Between is an exhibition by Yves Poitras (MArch'15) that explores how we can reach across conventional typologies to stitch together the gaps in our urban fabric and create new opportunities to live work and connect.
Not The Faint of Heart

March 28–ongoing
Stantec Gallery
Intense, furious, limitless. Architecture, planning and landscape architecture students participated in six intense courses facilitated and supported by local and international guest experts to explore inquiries about the future of libraries, hybrid scales of visual communication, site storytelling and urban heritage conservation. This exhibition presents their findings, ideas, and design visions through varying techniques, media and digitization.
View the feature exhibition of our March block week courses.
Year-End-Show (YES)

May 1–14
City Building Gallery
The annual Year-End-Show (YES) is put on by our students. YES is the annual celebration of Masters of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture students’ hard work. "Making Our Mark" on Calgary is their celebration as they activate new spaces, possibilities, and futures.
It's the Biggest YES Ever. Explore the 15,000 s.f exhibition.
Alberta Binaries A/B

January 25–February 15
Stantec Gallery
The setting is Southern Alberta, a place that is both living and dying…The prairie landscape of Southern Alberta provides and destroys, bringing both abundance and scarcity. It was the fallacy of abundance that was sold to those who settled in this region and led to speculative items such as Palliser’s Triangle declaring it an arid region unsuitable for agriculture. But a later assessment by John Macoun declared it a land of abundance, and so westward homesteading began.
The MLA studio told the tales of two places and the rivers that run through them: the Highwood River as it runs through the town of High River and the general area around Drumheller and the Red Deer River.
STUDIO: Fall 2018

February 28 –March 23
Opening: February 28, 2019
Stantec Gallery
Design is a collaborative venture, and studio is at the heart of creation. This exhibition showcases top student works from the 16 fall term studio courses of our professional graduate programs (architecture, planning and landscape architecture), the architecture study abroad studios (Tokyo and Barcelona) and the interdisciplinary urban design studio (Portland, OR).
November 14–December 31
Stantec Gallery
Where you live is one of the most significant choices you make in life from a social, ecological and economic perspective.
This exhibition showcases innovative explorations by students, faculty and industry members in housing. Investigative inquiries range in location from North America and Central America to Europe, and deals with diversity of cultures, climates, and crucial issues such as affordability, equity and resilience.