Virtual Exhibition
Join 4500 other viewers
Welcome to YES 2020! Over 4500 people around the world have viewed the student work displayed in the Year-End Show since its launch in May. This includes continued steady viewership through to the end of the year by 3300 individuals who read the studio booklets, and 1200 people who viewed the Grad Show at saplgradshow.ca. Thank you to all the visitors across the continents!
YES 2020 marked a shift to an online celebration due to the pandemic. While not intended to replace the Year-End-Show, the exhibition recognizes the hard work of all students through a rolling multi-month Instagram Show, studio work from the past term, and an online Class of 2020 portfolio.
YES also marks the public release of ULTRA vol. 4, an annual student-curated publication.
Although we weren't able to celebrate in person this year, congratulations to students for all of your accomplishments.
Congratulations SAPL students!
Studio Booklets
YES2020 is a series of booklets from the School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape at the University of Calgary. Work from all of the Winter studios (January – April) is usually exhibited at the annual YES Show. This is usually a highly-anticipated event and a moment for students to celebrate with faculty, family and friends, and guests. While we are not able to gather in person, we are proud to share and celebrate the student work online with our community through the 22 volumes.

Space In Which We Are All Naked
Lauren Fagan, March'20
Instagram Show
While we physically distance, we still want to invite everyone to participate in the review and exhibition of student work. Join us as we share student work over the next few months on Instagram.

The Morphology of Urban Repair - Calgary East Downtown: Life Between the Buildings | Street - Building Interface and the Quality of Public Realm
Thu Ngo, MLA'20

Grad Show
Who are SAPL's new graduates? Explore the biographies and portfolios of the Class of 2020.

Re-imagining Montgomery Community Redevelopment Plan
Jolene Moran, Cong Gu, Azadeh Rasouli, MPlan'20

ULTRA Journal volume four
ULTRA Journal | Volume Four
Congratulations to the ULTRA editorial team and SAPL students on the completion of the fourth edition of ULTRA.