Sept. 12, 2017
TAB in Australia: Q&A with Kelsey Aebli & Lauren Murphy

Kelsey Aebli
What do you hope to gain personally and professionally from this experience?
On a personal level, I look forward to stepping outside of my comfort zone and learning more about myself as an individual as a result of the experiences that I will encounter. I have never lived away from my home in Calgary and have never been away longer than about 5 weeks (for this I will be gone 13 weeks), so the experience will be both new and exciting, and in some ways challenging, but I'm looking forward to the adventure. I love to travel, and I am keen to explore new parts of the world while also adding to my professional portfolio. With that said, professionally, I know that any time spent in the classroom is experience gained. I am hoping to develop a better sense of various teaching styles and classroom management strategies through observation, first hand experience, and conversations with the partner teachers. I also hope to establish a clearer sense of who I want to be as a future educator and the kind of classroom environment that I hope to one day establish.
What do you hope people in your host country will gain from your involvement in TAB?
I hope to be a valuable member to the school communities that I will become a part of, and that my time in Australia will benefit myself, the partner teachers, and the students all the same. I can't say specifically what those in Australia will gain from my involvement in TAB, but I do know that I am entering the program with an open mind and a willingness to do whatever I can to make this a well-rounded experience for all those who are involved. I am open to trying new things, sharing my existing knowledge in certain subjects or of Canada and the Canadian school systems, and I am willing to learn as much as possible in order to make this a positive experience for all. I hope to make a lasting impression on the people in my host country, and I hope to be an exceptional representative of Canada, and the University of Calgary, by working hard and displaying the values that we as a society and smaller community have established as crucial components of our identity.
What are you doing/ have you done to prepare either personally or professionally for this experience?
Before embarking on this experience, I attended the TAB workshops and information sessions which helped me to gain of better understanding of what I needed to do to prepare in terms of packing, safety, and other general travel preparations. I have collected a number of resources that I feel could potentially be very useful to me during my time in classrooms, such as previous assignments/lesson plans, and other classroom materials that were provided to us by the organizers of TAB. I have spent many hours researching things to do and see in Brisbane and the surrounding area so that I have a basic understanding of what I hope to see during my free time abroad, and so that I can get the very most out of the time that I do have to sightsee. Lastly, my TAB roommate Lauren and I got together so that we could get in contact prior to leaving Calgary, get to know each other better, and discuss our plans and goals for the Teaching Across Borders experience.
Why did you choose the country you will be travelling to?
I chose Australia because even though in many ways it is similar to Canada, it is also very different, and it is a culture that I am interested to learn more about. I have relatives who live over that way, so choosing Australia for TAB meant that I could visit those family members prior to beginning the program. I have visited Australia once before and though I have not yet been to Brisbane, it is a country that I can see myself feeling comfortable in, while also getting to explore new surroundings and having the opportunity to step out of my comfort zone both in and out of the classroom, which is something that I believe is imperative to professional and personal development. Overall I am very much looking forward to the TAB experience, and I am excited to have the opportunity to spend the next few weeks living in beautiful Brisbane!
Lauren Murphy
What do you hope to gain personally and professionally from this experience?
There are a number of aspects that I hope to gain from this experience, most notably gaining wider and different experiences in the practice of teaching. I really desire to be able to come back from TAB a more experienced and confident teacher with the experience and ability to react to any circumstance. Not only do I hope to become more cultured, but also to add to my resume. Teaching abroad is something that I have always aspired to do, and this structured experience will help me achieve my goals in the future. On a personal level, I hope to expand my views and understandings of different schools, becoming more confident in myself and learning how to teach in a way that would help my students in a way maybe others cannot. Using new methods will separate me from others when applying for jobs in the future. I hope to gain experiences and methods that set me apart for my professional career.
What do you hope people in your host country will gain from your involvement in TAB?
I hope that people in my host country of Australia will gain knowledge about Canadian school systems and different lessons as well as unique methods that they might not use but are effective. These methods may be in practice in Australia but used differently. Being able to demonstrate my skills well in a classroom and present how they work and why they are important in student's learning will be important in expanding my knowledge.
What are you doing/ have you done to prepare either personally or professionally for this experience?
To prepare for this experience I have researched school systems in Australia and different inquiry lessons that might be useful. I have continued to expand my collection of lesson plans so that I can use them when necessary and demonstrate my skills. On a personal level, I have ensured that I can have open communication with my family and friends and brought things from home with me that are important to me. This way I have a little bit of home with me all the time and it will help if I start to feel homesick.
Why did you choose the country you will be travelling to?
I chose to travel to Australia because it was always fascinating to me. In the future I want to be able to teach internationally and thought that getting experience during my degree would be a great opportunity and Australia would be a perfect avenue to start that! Australia is such a desirable place to live what with the phenomenal weather (maybe a little too hot sometimes!) and beautiful tropical destinations nearby. Before beginning my experience in Brisbane I travelled to Fiji which was so beautiful and only 4 hours away! It is a place with unique adventure opportunities and amazing people as well as views! I am so excited to start this adventure in this beautiful country!