Feb. 29, 2024
UCalgary receives commitment toward new science hub
The University of Calgary can take a big step toward expanding science research and innovation, and welcoming more students on campus, thanks to an important investment from the province made in the 2024 budget announcement to build a new Multidisciplinary Science Hub.
When complete, the Multidisciplinary Science Hub will add at least 2,000 full-time graduate and undergraduate spaces, relieving growing enrolment demand pressures in the Faculty of Science.
“We’re pleased the government has recognized the importance of this transformative new teaching and research hub," said Dr. Ed McCauley, president and vice-chancellor, University of Calgary. "The Multidisciplinary Science Hub will help us meet demand from science students and researchers who will have the space and resources to make the discoveries and innovations that push the envelope of what’s possible.”
Once complete, the Science Hub will house seven teaching and research hubs focused on high demand program areas vital to Alberta’s STEM talent pipeline: Chemistry Energy Innovation, Energy Pathways, Quantum-NanoTech Chemistry, Health Innovation, Agriculture and Plant Biotechnology, Near-Earth and Space, and Neuroscience hubs.
The province had previously announced $5 million in the 2023 Budget for scoping and pre-planning work on this project.
"I am thrilled to see this important investment. From our powerhouse energy industry to our booming tech sector, science is deeply entwined with Alberta's success – past, present, and future," said Dr. Kristin Baetz, dean of the Faculty of Science. "This new facility reflects Alberta's commitment to maintaining our great province’s science advantage for decades to come. We are going to get science done in service of Alberta's students, industry, and economy, and drive new innovations that benefit all of us.”
The province also announced more funding for the rural physician expansion program, a partnership between the University of Calgary and the University of Alberta along with the University of Lethbridge and Northwest Polytechnic, to increase rural and Indigenous access to medical education and increase the number of family medicine and generalist physicians. UCalgary is pleased to continue working collaboratively with Alberta post-secondary institutions to address this need.

Courtesy Government of Alberta
UCalgary is Canada’s entrepreneurial university and a top research institution, creating the skilled talent and the innovation needed to grow and diversify Alberta’s economy. Across five campuses, UCalgary educates over 37,000 students and 96 per cent of graduates secure jobs within months of completing their degrees, with four out of five being employed in jobs relevant to their areas of study.
According to an Economic Impact Analysis conducted by Hanover Research, the University of Calgary helps to create $16.5 billion in economic impact in the City of Calgary and in Alberta. The University of Calgary is the city’s second-largest employer.