Feb. 27, 2023
UCalgary Hybrid Work Program launched for MaPS and support staff
In March 2020, the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic made remote working a necessity for many employers, including the University of Calgary. Employees who could work from home were expected to do so with limited consideration of individual circumstances or employer needs.
Following a hybrid work trial period and in-depth community engagement, UCalgary’s Hybrid Work Program has arrived. The program applies to all eligible and interested MaPS and support staff and considers the university’s needs as a predominantly in-person learning and research institution with a changing workplace landscape.
This program provides leaders and employees with the resources to implement hybrid work arrangements that ensure operational, team and service responsibilities are met while promoting a balance between work and personal commitments.
Throughout 2022, UCalgary operated in a transitory period, during which faculties and units were encouraged to try different arrangements. The new program is intended to provide parameters for on-campus presence, location and the enrolment process while also maintaining flexibility in relation to faculty/unit-specific considerations.
In support of the Hybrid Work Program, UCalgary Parking and Transportation provides an option for an annual hybrid parking permit for employees. Annual parking permit rules apply, and employees must designate their three days of use when submitting a request for the permit. Visit UCalgary Parking and Transportation for more information and to submit requests for a hybrid permit.
Next steps
The next stage of community engagement related to the program will be leader training sessions and employee information sessions, dates and times for which can be found on the Hybrid Work Program website; all enrolments will be managed through PeopleSoft ELM.
Throughout 2023, program evaluation will be a high priority. This will include pulse checks (i.e., short, focused questionnaires), and a comprehensive evaluation of the program will be conducted later in the year.
For program information and frequently asked questions, visit the Hybrid Work Program website. Questions can be addressed via UService at hr@ucalgary.ca.
UCalgary would like to remind everyone the importance of cybersecurity. Each of us can do our part in keeping ourselves and our colleagues safe from cyberattacks at home and on campus. It is important to learn how to protect ourselves, our colleagues and our communities from hackers and fraudsters.
- Familiarize yourself with UCalgary’s Top 10 Cybersecurity Tips
- Additional tips for staying safe while working at home from the Government of Canada