Feb. 5, 2020
New spring and summer courses represent diverse interests
We’re excited to offer three new topics courses in the Philosophy and the Women’s Studies programs.

Click to see all philosophy and women's studies courses
Registration for Spring and Summer 2020 courses opened on February 4, 2020. We’re excited to offer three new topics courses in the Philosophy and the Women’s Studies programs.
WMST 303.4 Mothering, Motherhood, and Women’s Studies (Spring 2020)
Conceptualizations of motherhood, gendered practices and complexities of mothering and related feminist theory and activism.
PHIL 399.13 Uncertainty & Climate Change (Spring 2020)
The role of uncertainty in the methodology of climate sciences and the ways in which public conceptions of scientific method have contributed to climate change skepticism.
PHIL 399.14 D&D and Philosophy (Summer 2020)
Central questions such as the nature of life and death, identity, reality, good and evil, experience, and love as they arise in the context of table-top role-playing games in general and Dungeons and Dragons in particular.