Barry Wylant

Associate Professor, Director, SAPL PhD & MEDes Graduate Prg

Barry Wylant is an Associate Professor and Graduate Program Director at SAPL, working with thesis students in the Master of Environmental Design (MEDes), PhD, and Doctor of Design (DDes) programs. In his work and writings, Wylant emphasizes the “how” of design thinking. With extensive experience as an industrial designer and consultant, Wylant explores the intersection of design, technology, and community impact. His design work has advanced innovation in various areas, including medical and accessibility devices, and consumer products. 

His research interests focus on thoughtfulness in design, diagramming, and technological innovation. He actively seeks out opportunities in transdisciplinary settings to apply such design thoughtfulness to aging-in-place and other health related initiatives. Wylant contributes regularly to the University’s e2i (evolve to innovate) program, and has been published in key international design journals. Wylant is an innovative thinker and his commitment to bringing a sense of rigorous curiosity to the design process inspires a vision of design practice across disciplines shaping a brighter future.

Barry Wylant CV


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Barry Wylant

Contact Info
+1 (403) 220-8456
Professional Faculties 2104



  • Thoughtfulness
  • Diagramming
  • Design
  • People & technology
  • Design practice
  • Innovation