EDIA symbols

Our Commitment to EDIA

SAPL commits to EDIA through:


(Re-)design coursework to reflect our global community in a way that engages students and allows them to apply and draw from their own identity and experience to enhance their work; a continued development of SAPL Indigenous programming + activity; work to integrate a conversation of climate justice into all aspects of the school culture through different frameworks beyond requirements for specific courses. In addition to pedagogy, this includes use of resources, carbon footprint, analysis of current operations, travel, support for relevant research, and cross-campus or cross-institutions collaborations to address the climate crisis, whether within the framework of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals or otherwise.


Use research to better understand the way in which the built environment both creates and perpetuates inequality and injustice in our society; to identify ways that design can potentially undo past inequity; and to create buildings, landscapes, and communities that are welcoming, safe, healthy, sustainable, and productive for everyone.  SAPL researchers will seek out as many stakeholder perspectives and experiences as possible to help in their understanding of these challenges and opportunities, and to approach community engagement in a respectful, open, and committed fashion.  With the understanding that a diversity of backgrounds and experiences can only strengthen academic inquiry, the hiring of research teams will follow the best practices established at both an institutional and faculty level and strive to reflect the SAPL student body and the broader community.

Events & Communication

Work to provide regular programming and develop frameworks to acknowledge, recognize, and celebrate work towards inclusivity and justice by design. This should include programming of regular and recurring events to celebrate different voices and perspectives (e.g., Black History Month, National Day for Truth & Reconciliation; Métis Week), and ensuring consistent, positive, inclusive, and appropriate language/graphics in all public-facing materials. SAPL commits to continue utilizing our Design Matters lecture series, block weeks, and seminars to engage students, professionals, and the community in meaningful conversations on social and climate justice and inclusive practices.

Scholarship & Awards

Review the language and increase support for those who have experienced barriers including women, Indigenous people, members of racialized groups, people with disabilities, and LGBTQ2S+.  SAPL seeks to establish funding for fellowships and scholarships to ensure that student success is not tied to socioeconomic privilege.

Student Experience

Design inclusive activities for all stages, including recruitment, admissions, and orientation, that provide diverse perspectives and highlight community and international projects addressing challenges facing individuals around the world (i.e., social justice, financial disparity, climate change, etc.) A focused effort to expand outreach to identify and create new partnerships with schools and students from different communities, including colleges and universities that support the equity-seeking groups as per OEDI goals. To establish summer programs that will attract students from under-represented communities, in particular Alberta’s First Nations, and develop their interest and ultimately success in entering the field as students and then practitioners

Training & Outreach

Build mechanisms to share resources and provide support to faculty, staff, and students by adding or connecting to existing resources, as well as to provide training opportunities that promote capacity building in diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in teaching and learning (curricular innovations, teaching methods, evaluation methods, feedback); hiring; and promoting anti-oppressive research and scholarship in all forms of partnerships to help increase both equity and environmental justice.


Both educational and budgetary will be allocated to support the implementation of different initiatives. Time may be requested from staff positions as needed. Capacity building will be ongoing with the support the development of an online repository of resources for teaching, research and community engagement that promote diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility.