Tuition and Fees FAQs
How much will tuition be for the first semester (non-international students).
Tuition is charged by course. Amounts can be found here: https://www.ucalgary.ca/pubs/calendar/current/p-1-2-1.html.
ARST Minor and MArch Foundation Year courses can be found here: https://www.ucalgary.ca/pubs/calendar/current/p-1-1.html
If I am attending classes remotely for the term, do I still need to pay the general fees for Health & Dental Insurance, the GSA and Student Services?
Yes, students will pay all General Fees, except the UPass (transit pass) fee will be waived for Fall 2020. You can opt out of Health and Dental insurance: https://gsa.ucalgary.ca/health-dental-services/
Will the Athletics Fee be waived for Students due to Covid?
Currently, the athletics fee will not be charged for Fall 2020, and the campus recreation fee will not be charged if facilities are closed. Should there be a need, the fees will retroactively withdrawn from your student centre.
If I'm coming to campus to access to workspaces, can I get a UPass?
No, students will need to deal directly with Calgary Transit if they are using public transportation to get to campus or the CBDLab.