Registration FAQs
When and how can I pick up my Unicard?
New students are able to get a Unicard. Visit https://unicardphoto.ucalgary.ca to find out how you can upload your photo and pick up your card.
Can we defer our admission to Fall 2021?
Deferrals are considered on a case by case basis, and only offered in extenuating circumstances.
Why am I not able to register for Winter Term yet?
Course schedules are currently being created and students will be able to access them shortly. The Graduate Program Administrator will send an email to students once they are able to register.
How do I know I am enrolled in the correct courses?
If you have any questions regarding registration, please reach out to Graduate Program Administrator at gpa@sapl.ucalgary.ca.
Do I need permission from the instructors to register for courses?
Due to COVID, I am unable to send my final degree certificate by the deadline. What should I do?
That is fine. Email Jen at jtaillef@ucalgary.ca and she will arrange for an extension to the deadline so you can enrol in your Fall courses.
Where do I need to send my final degree certificate?
Degree information should be sent to our main campus address: SAPL c/o Jen Taillefer, School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape, University of Calgary, 2500 University Drive NW Calgary AB T2N 1N4
My former school hasn't been able to mail out transcripts but is willing to email them. Where can I send it?
Final transcripts can be emailed to Jen Taillefer via taillef@ucalgary.ca
When and where will schedules be made available for students in the Minor?
ARST Minor students will have to map out their schedules in conjuction with the courses from their major. The Minor courses are the same courses as the MArch Foundation Year courses - they are taken together and have the same schedule. Email gpa@sapl.ucalgary.ca for help.
When will courses be available for M2?
Fall Term Courses are now available.
Where can I find the MPlan schedule for the next two years?
The MPlan structure is available on our website:
If the instruction-delivery changes for Winter Term, how will this be communicated to students? Will students be required to move to Calgary, particularly if it's their last term?
Students should not have to move to Calgary for Winter Term if the instruction delivery changes. Students will be made aware of any decisions around Winter Term instruction as soon as possible, likely in October.