Zhongming Shi

Assistant Professor

Zhongming joins the faculty via ETH Zurich’s Future Cities Laboratory in Singapore, where he has been the principal investigator of the Building-​Integrated Agriculture project and postdoctoral researcher and coordinator of the Cities Knowledge Graph project. He was also part of the Multi-Scale Energy Systems for Low Carbon Cities (MuSES) project at Future Cities Laboratory, which was successfully finished in 2020. Zhongming obtained his Doctor of Sciences at ETH Zurich, Master of Science degree in Urban Design at Georgia Tech, Master of Architecture at Tongji University, and Bachelor of Architecture at Dalian University of Technology in China. He also worked for the Sino-​US Eco Urban Lab at Tongji University in Shanghai and Georgia Tech in Atlanta.

Zhongming’s doctoral research was on the topic of energy-driven urban design, which highlights the interdependencies between urban design and energy performance. He is a member of the development team of City Energy Analyst (CEA), which is an open-source urban building energy modelling tool resulted from international collaborations beyond Singapore and Zurich. Upon joining SAPL, Zhongming will continue investigating and contributing to the Building-Integrated Agriculture project, which was established through collaboration with the National University of Singapore and awarded by Singapore’s National Research Foundation.

About his new appointment, Zhongming says: “In this post-COVID era, Calgary is facing unprecedented challenges and opportunities as an energy city in transition. Urban design and architecture play a key role in this process. I am thrilled and honoured to have the opportunity to be part of SAPL to contribute as an urban researcher in shaping the city and as an educator in shaping the future shapers of the city. I look forward to interacting and collaborating with the distinguished academics and practitioners in the faculty.”


Contact information 

B.Arch (Dalian Institute of Technology)
M.Sc in Urban Design (Georgia Institute of Technology)
M.Arch (Tongji University)
Doctor of Sciences (ETH Zurich)

Research Interests
Energy-Driven Urban Design

LinkedIn profile