Planning Your Degree
The Bachelor of Design in City Innovation (BDCI) requires a completion of 120 units and normally takes four years of full-time study. To complete the BDCI program, students need to successfully complete a combination of mandatory and elective requirements. These requirements can be found on the Academic Calendar.
You will find below the various resources to help with your BDCI degree planning. Please take note that this program guide serves only as a recommendation and may not reflect new curriculum or scheduling changes. The BDCI program’s first intake was in Fall 2023 with fourth year courses currently in the development phase. As such, the recommended sequence reflects the projected progression of the degree and may be subject to further review in the future.
Certain courses are only offered in specific semesters and may serve as prerequisites for higher-level courses in a later semester. Corequisite courses are ones that must be taken in the same semester. For more information on how certain course requirements are connected, please visit the BDCI Course Information page. As a reminder, during the regular course registration period, students should register for both fall and winter courses at the same time.
Each student’s circumstances may differ and as such, you may not be able to follow the entire recommended sequence below. Students can follow different course sequences, which can extend the amount of time it takes to complete the BDCI program. Please note that course scheduling and requirements may change after the creation of this guide, so if there are any discrepancies, please refer to the Academic Calendar for the most updated information. We recommend that you connect with an advisor from the School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape (SAPL) if you have any degree progression questions.
References for Degree Planning
In this section, you will find a recommended sequence of courses to take in four years of full-time study in the BDCI program. Each year of the program is separated into bulleted lists of courses recommended for the fall and winter semesters. Each specific course name is hyperlinked to its respective course description on the Academic Calendar.
The diagrams in this section are based on the program guides listed in the previous section. These diagrams depict a recommended sequence of courses to take in four years of full-time study in the BDCI programs.
The left-side of the diagram shows the various components that make up the degree and the next four major columns depict each year of full-time study at the University of Calgary. The recommended courses in each column are meant to be taken in the relevant fall/winter semesters. Each course in the diagram is hyperlinked to its corresponding course description if you want to look up more relevant information. The section on the far right of the diagram provides additional details related to the overall program sequence.
Program Guides:
The PDF documents in this section provide a summary of what courses to register into, including the associated course sections. The courses listed are based off of the program guides above.
The relevant program year is separated into bulleted lists of courses recommended for the fall and winter semesters. Each specific course name is hyperlinked to its respective course description on the Academic Calendar. Refer only to your relevant year of study in the program.
- First-Year Reference (2025-2026)
- Second-Year Reference (2025-2026)
- Third-Year Reference, General Pathway (2025-2026)
- Third-Year Reference, ARCH Concentration (2025-2026)
- Third-Year Reference, LAND Concentration (2025-2026)
Program Guides (written format)
- BDCI Program Guide
- BDCI Program Guide – Architecture Concentration
- BDCI Program Guide – Landscape Architecture Concentration
Program Guides (program sequencing diagrams)
- BDCI Sequencing Diagram
- BDCI Sequencing Diagram – Architecture Concentration
- BDCI Sequencing Diagram – Landscape Architecture Concentration
Quick Reference Guides
BDCI program guide walkthrough:
- How to use the Program Sequencing Guide - Diagram Format [video]
- How to use the Program Sequencing Guide - Written (PDF) Format [video]
Registration tutorial videos:
- Course Registration
- Registration Terminology
- Registration Tips [video]
- Registration Resources [video]