Urban Lab
Herald Articles
Since late 2005 the Calgary Herald has been a forum for urban design discussion. A series of articles regarding Calgary's urban development has raised issues of interest and offered critical commentary.
Professor Dr. Beverly A. Sandalack, founding coordinator of the Urban Design program in the Faculty of Environmental Design, Research Leader of the Urban Lab and Deputy Chairwoman on the Calgary Urban Design Review Panel; and Assistant Professor Dr. Jim Dewald of Strategy and Global Management at the Haskayne School of Business, and a Partner with Peters-Dewald Land Co.; coauthored biweekly articles that touch on current issues of urban design and development in our city.

2005.11.12 - Sense of home vital to Calgary
2005.12.10 - Peeling away society's building layers
2006.02.11 - Older inner-city areas losing people
2006.04.08 - Commuter choices easing traffic
2006.05.13 - Expansion symptom of extravagance
2006.06.17 - 'Sameness' not good enough for city
2006.06.25 - Urban planners created the 'blight' ...
2006.07.29 - Annexation chance to do 'right thing'
2006.09.23 - Extra roads add to city's woes
2006.10.07 - Density 'magic bullet' needs decoding
2006.10.21 - Time to be smart about city's growth
2006.11.04 - Hot urban topics revisited
2006.11.11 - Where have all the urban forests gone?
2006.12.23 - 'Brilliant city' requires nurturing
2007.02.10 - Pedestrians left out of ...
2007.04.14 - Leadership and vision needed for city
2007.05.05 - We say we don't want sprawl, but...
2007.05.19 - Is there a planning doctor in ...
2007.06.09 - Lack of political will stalls visionary ...
2007.07.21 - Speeding tickets underline problem
2007.08.18 - Developers explore cutting edge
2007.08.25 - Cost of ongoing growth doesn't ...
2007.09.22 - Strange priorities rule 'C-Train' ...
2007.10.20 - Calgary must control life on the edge
2007.12.01 - Bold visions at mercy of market forces
2008.01.03 - Pace of growth important, but it's ...
2008.01.05 - Answers needed to freeway ...
2008.01.12 - City's growth forcing change ...
2008.01.19 - Happiness means being truer to form
2008.02.09 - Ho-hum street has untapped ...
2008.03.01 - Working together better than conflict
2008.03.08 - NIMBY battle thickens
2008.03.15 - Shift from freeway city lowers cost
2008.03.22 - Leadership needed to create change