The Cities, Policy and Planning Lab at the School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape (SAPL) was established in 2004 as a research initiative facilitating partnerships with academics, students and professionals interested in interdisciplinary research on a wide variety of planning issues. Through research, professional practice, specialized workshops and publications, the lab provides a mechanism to engage graduate students, faculty, professional planners, social workers, and community organizations in collaborative projects. Research projects are funded by research foundations (Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada, Canada School of Energy & the Environment, CASID), international organizations (United Nations, Council of Europe Development Bank), municipalities (City of Calgary, Municipality of Big Lakes), and industry (Canada Lands, Hopewell Residential developers).
The lab is focusing its research and planning projects on sustainable communities. These communities have a vision that is embraced and actively promoted by all key sectors of society, including businesses, disadvantaged groups, environmentalists, civic associations and government agencies. They are places that build on their assets, value healthy ecosystems, use resources efficiently, and actively seek to retain and enhance a locally-based economy. Unlike traditional community planning approaches, our work emphasizes sustainable strategies through ecosystem protection, social responsibility, broad-based citizen participation and economic self-reliance.
Dr. Sasha Tsenkova
Research Leader of Cities, Planning & Policy Lab
Tel. (403) 220 - 2155
Cities, Policy and Planning Lab
Professional Faculties 2106
University of Calgary
2500 University Drive NW
Calgary, AB T2N 1N4